The Southern Arizona Younger Chemists Committee (SAZYCC) is part of the Southern Arizona Local Section of the American Chemical Society (SAZACS), a local section whose members include chemists from the Southern Arizona area.
The Southern Arizona YCC will be devoted to the professional advancement of younger chemists in industry, governmental laboratories, undergraduate/graduate school and post-doctoral positions. We will aim to involve younger chemists in national and local ACS programs in order to help with their transitions into a professional career.
The Younger Chemists Committee advocates for and provides resources to early-career chemists and professionals in the chemical sciences and related fields.
The YCC addresses specific issues facing younger chemists within ACS and serves as a voice to the Society on behalf of younger chemists.
Established in 1974, the national YCC is a joint Board-Council committee of the ACS consisting of thirty-three members and associates. Along with its many alumni, the committee represents a wide range of industrial, governmental, and academic fields and serves as the voice of younger chemists in the ACS.
The Southern Arizona Younger Chemists Committee shall seek the following:
Increase younger chemists (young people) participation in the Southern Arizona Local Section of ACS.
Increase ACS national and local membership.
Provide younger chemists with:
Professional development opportunities.
Leadership opportunities within the profession.
Networking opportunities.
Community outreach opportunities.
Engage younger chemists from industry, government laboratories, undergraduate and graduate school students, and post-doctoral fellows as a whole.
The YCC of Southern Arizona was created and structured with the following positions:
Oversees the overall operation of the Southern Arizona YCC group.
Serves in the SAZACS Executive Committee leadership.
Advocates and seeks funding to host career and social events for younger chemists.
Requests and ensures yearly support for the Younger Chemists Travel Award.
Career Coordinator
Coordinates careers events for SAZ YCC in conjuntion with the Chair (i.e. workshops, career fairs, etc.).
Social Coordinator
Maintains and keeps up-to-date social media outlets (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
Coordinates social events for SAZ YCC (i.e. Program-in-a-Box, etc.).
If you are interested in joining the Southern Arizona YCC group in a leadership and/or member capacity, you can contact us yccsaz(at)
Per the national American Chemical Society, younger chemists are ACS members under 35. However, younger chemists are also people not yet established in their careers but events will be designed for younger population. Therefore, the criterion for being a member of this group will not be based on age. We welcome anybody who wants to be involved with SAZ YCC.
Younger Chemists Travel Award
The YCC of Southern Arizona is happy to announce its Younger Chemists Travel Award. This award is given to subsidize travel expenses to a national or regional American Chemical Society meeting to present a paper or poster or to attend workshops.